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Expert Tips for Choosing the Perfect Bangkok Condo in Thailand

How to Find the Best Bangkok Condo that Meets Your Needs in Thailand

May 14, 2023

Are you looking for the best Bangkok condo to live in Thailand? If so, then you have come to the right place. In this article, we will discuss some tips and strategies that can help you find the perfect condo in Bangkok that meets all your needs and requirements. We will discuss how to research and compare different condos, what features to look for, and how to make sure that your selected condo is legally compliant with Thai law. By following these steps, you can ensure finding the perfect Bangkok condo that meets all of your needs.

Choosing a Bangkok condo must look at what factors? in order to meet the needs of living as much as possible

Bangkok condo is a residential area as a high-rise building emphasising convenience. In the area of Bangkok. Currently, there are many condominiums in Bangkok. And spread to various economic areas because I have to admit that Bangkok is a large capital city. Therefore, it is a centre of economy, trade, work zones and various living forms. Which condos will have the most people interested in living in both the condition of buying a room and letting it rent out? Therefore, if you are the one who wants to buy a Bangkok condo, we recommend the essential factors that you should take into consideration to choose the most suitable Bangkok condominium for you:

1. Choosing a Bangkok condo model

The condo's layout is the first factor you should evaluate before any other factors. The condo's layout is divided into 3 main categories: the height of the condo building and the number of units on each floor. And buying ready-to-move-in or booking a new condo. These details you should take note of. To buy a condo in Bangkok to meet your needs as much as possible. Ready to see the information clearly. For the information on the condo style, you should know is

The height of the condo building will be available in 2 types: High Rise Condos with a height of 23 meters or more or at a minimum level of 20-30 floors. Suitable for people who like to be in high places. It provides a private atmosphere and has a beautiful view of the city 24 hours a day, and a low-rise condo with only about 8-10 floors; the height is a little. It may see fewer views, But it is suitable for people who do not like tall buildings and want the safety of the building structure mainly, including those who do not like living in very high areas. There are also fewer units per floor than high-rise condos.

Assessment of the number of units per floor will allow you to live more at ease. Provide peace and privacy. However, it should be assessed from the width of the building. If it is a connection between 2 buildings and is quite wide, Having about 100 units per floor and 1 elevator is reasonable. But if you want to not have a lot of density, 20-30 units per floor is enough. Especially in the group of low-rise condos, rooms of 20 units or more are considered very good. It will provide a reasonably private atmosphere if you want to avoid chaos. Choose a corner room of the condo that will not have pedestrians walking by and will be far from the elevator area. With a large number of people entering and exiting with a reasonably large collection room, therefore, making it more comfortable to live

The sales model will be divided into 2 types: pre-sale means selling before the project is completed. There is only a sample room to view. Therefore, when the pre-emption is issued, there must be a down payment in advance. And submitting a loan after the construction is complete with the purchase of a ready-to-move-in or completed condo. There is room to see clearly. You can go in and check the room you want right away. Ready to make a reservation? Ultimately signed the loan agreement. When all matters are completed, they can move in immediately. The difference between the two formats is that you'll need to assess which one you want. Suppose you are not in a hurry and can manage to decorate or make various parts that you want in the room during the construction period. In that case, You should choose a Pre-Sale model, which will allow you to do everything related to decoration and additions immediately. Do not have to do it later, which may affect the person next door. But if wanting to move in immediately, it's best to choose a ready-to-move-in type.

2. Evaluate Developer

Assessment of Developer or Director of Condo Builder It is essential to verify a company you can trust. There has never been any bad news before, along with reviews from real people. That will help make your decision easier, and the Developer can help you buy a Bangkok condo room that meets your needs. Because each condo developer will have a different identity, such as the Bangkok condo project of Ananda Development. Which comes with outstanding features in terms of modern architecture, being Modern Luxury, unique in terms of architectural creation, room layout, decoration, colour usage and central area arrangement to be able to meet the needs of the new generation of residents exactly

3. Location

The location factor of Bangkok condos is also very important. It is divided into 2 types: the condo's location should not be in a deep alley, an isolated alley, and travelling must be convenient. Or not too close to the noise zone. But must be able to go out to daily life with ease by choosing a suitable location, such as a condo near a train station for working people who do not want to drive to the office by themselves because they may be worried about traffic jams on the road or are tired after work Therefore, they want to ride the electric train that will provide more comfort and safety. Including choosing a condo close to the point with complete utilities, shops, restaurants, and department stores. Or supermarkets and convenience stores near the condo area

Another part that is divided is looking for the room's location or looking at the direction. By giving you an overall assessment. Which path is blocked by a building or in the wrong spot? Having to face the sun often or throughout the day should not be a choice. Because it may make your residence difficult. So try to look at the north where the sunlight will not enter the room. In the south, the wind will always pass in and out, and the afternoon sun will not be as hot as in the West. But if you like to watch the sunrise and see the morning sunlight. Do not hit the sun too strongly, should choose the east. For people who want light dry clothes quickly, The room does not have a musty smell, and you can still watch the sunset in the evening. The West will suit you very well.